Odbc Oracle Driver Windows 10

Jan 09, 2019  Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. In this article, I am going to show you how to install Oracle ODBC Driver on Windows 10. I have a working Oracle Database 12c on another computer on my home network. I am trying to connect to my Oracle database.

  1. Apr 12, 2017  I've recently installed the new Oracle 12c Client with the Administrator radial button selected. This as far as I can tell installed the ODBC Drivers. When I run the 32 Bit ODBC Setup located (syswow64odbcad32.exe) and look at the Drivers Tab, the Oracle Home Driver is missing. If I run it in 64 bit mode, the driver appears.
  2. Setting up an Oracle ODBC Driver and Data Source requires more steps than the Microsoft SQL Server database setup. This article explains the steps including tnsnames.ora configuration. Connecting to an Oracle database via and ODBC driver requires the following steps.
From Devart:
Devart ODBC Driver for Oracle provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access Oracle databases from Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC API functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of your database applications with Oracle fast, easy and extremely handy. Key Features: - Direct Connection. Database applications based on our solution get an opportunity to establish connection to Oracle by means of native Oracle client software and in Direct Mode. Direct Mode gives your applications an unrivaled advantage - connection to Oracle databases directly via TCP/IP avoiding Oracle Client. That improves performance of your applications, quality, reliability and especially the deployment process, since there is no need to supply additional client software together with your application. - Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for Oracle doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0, including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. ODBC driver for Oracle supports both x86 and x64 versions of the following Oracle Clients: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0. Note that support for x64 versions of Oracle Clients is available for 64-bit Windows. - High Performance. All our products are designed to help you write high-performance, lightweight data access layers, therefore they use advanced data access algorithms and techniques of optimization. - Support for Oracle Cloud in the Direct Mode. - Showing meta data for the current scheme option. - Improved compatibility with MS Visual Studio, MS Fox Pro, MapInfo, Libre Office, Qlik, Delphi & C++Builder, MS Access.

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From Devart:
Devart ODBC Driver for Oracle provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access Oracle databases from Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC API functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of your database applications with Oracle fast, easy and extremely handy. Key Features: - Direct Connection. Database applications based on our solution get an opportunity to establish connection to Oracle by means of native Oracle client software and in Direct Mode. Direct Mode gives your applications an unrivaled advantage - connection to Oracle databases directly via TCP/IP avoiding Oracle Client. That improves performance of your applications, quality, reliability and especially the deployment process, since there is no need to supply additional client software together with your application. - Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for Oracle doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0, including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. ODBC driver for Oracle supports both x86 and x64 versions of the following Oracle Clients: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0. Note that support for x64 versions of Oracle Clients is available for 64-bit Windows. - High Performance. All our products are designed to help you write high-performance, lightweight data access layers, therefore they use advanced data access algorithms and techniques of optimization. - Support for Oracle Cloud in the Direct Mode. - Showing meta data for the current scheme option. - Improved compatibility with MS Visual Studio, MS Fox Pro, MapInfo, Libre Office, Qlik, Delphi & C++Builder, MS Access.


Base - one of these packages is required




Basic Package All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC:OCI applications

(81,818,443 bytes) (cksum - 3077560575)

The 19.3 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable.

Basic Light Package Smaller version of the Basic package, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support

(41,553,502 bytes) (cksum - 3061946766)

The 19.3 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable.

Tools - optional packages




SQL*Plus Package The SQL*Plus command line tool for SQL and PL/SQL queries

(973,291 bytes) (cksum - 260807009)

Tools Package Includes Data Pump, SQL*Loader and Workload Replay Client

(1,057,502 bytes) (cksum - 2845670726)

Development and Runtime - optional packages




SDK Package Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(1,858,973 bytes) (cksum - 1565888765)

JDBC Supplement Package Additional support for Internationalization under JDBC

(1,586,321 bytes) (cksum - 1971804716)

ODBC Package Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(862,681 bytes) (cksum - 4113171302)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for Pro*C and Pro*COBOL


Base - one of these packages is required




Basic Package All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC:OCI applications

(77,769,261 bytes) (cksum - 1317689833)

The 18.5 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable

Basic Light Package Smaller version of the Basic package, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support

(39,177,858 bytes) (cksum - 2058932148)

The 18.5 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable.

Tools - optional packages




SQL*Plus Package The SQL*Plus command line tool for SQL and PL/SQL queries

(974,185 bytes) (cksum - 3454636626)

Tools Package Includes Data Pump, SQL*Loader and Workload Replay Client

(1,004,204 bytes) (cksum - 1254374575)

Development and Runtime - optional packages




SDK Package Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(1,829,323 bytes) (cksum - 1367867993)

JDBC Supplement Package Additional support for Internationalization under JDBC

(1,581,831 bytes) (cksum - 2123195004)

ODBC Package Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(766,984 bytes) (cksum - 2984061786)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for Pro*C and Pro*COBOL


Base - one of these packages is required




Basic Package All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC:OCI applications

(75,062,441 bytes) (cksum - 1462971172)

The 12.2 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable.

Basic Light Package Smaller version of the Basic package, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support

(37,128,586 bytes) (cksum - 865082268)

The 12.2 Basic Light package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable.

Tools - optional packages

Oracle Odbc Driver For Windows 10 32 Bit Free Download




SQL*Plus Package The SQL*Plus command line tool for SQL and PL/SQL queries

(959,896 bytes) (cksum - 3056233076)

Tools Package Includes Data Pump, SQL*Loader and Workload Replay Client

(1,016,027 bytes) (cksum - 3645067508)

Install Oracle Odbc Driver Windows 10 32 Bit

Development and Runtime - optional packages




SDK Package Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(1,801,992 bytes) (cksum - 3191784704)

JDBC Supplement Package Additional support for Internationalization under JDBC

(1,576,298 bytes) (cksum - 2378954267)

ODBC Package Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications (Updated 9/20/2017)

(804,715 bytes) (cksum - 1844846476)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for 'proc' binary and related files to precompile a Pro*C application and demo


Install Oracle 11g Odbc Driver Windows 10




Instant Client Package - Basic All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications

(72,416,242 bytes) (cksum - 1751087003)

The 12.1 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable.

Instant Client Package - Basic Light Smaller version of the Basic, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support

(38,837,115 bytes) (cksum - 1745949615)

The 12.1 Basic Light package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable.

Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement Additional support for XA, Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC

(1,574,297 bytes) (cksum - 3613358776)

Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus Additional libraries and executable for running SQL*Plus with Instant Client

(876,515 bytes) (cksum - 1826332995)

Instant Client Package - SDK Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(2,748,874 bytes) (cksum - 1448203088)

Instant Client Package - ODBC Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(518,721 bytes) (cksum - 675718609)

Instant Client Package - WRC Workload Replay Client used to replay workload for RAT's DB Replay Feature

(15,237 bytes) (cksum - 2158108932)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for 'proc' binary and related files to precompile a Pro*C application and demo

Oracle Odbc For Windows 10


Oracle 12c Odbc Drivers Download




Instant Client Package - Basic All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications

(54,956,947 bytes)

Instant Client Package - Basic Light Smaller version of the Basic, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support (10.2 only)

(23,504,640 bytes)

Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement Additional support for XA, Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC

(1,565,996 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus Additional libraries and executable for running SQL*Plus with Instant Client

(821,172 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SDK Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(1,446,625 bytes)

Instant Client Package - ODBC Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(1,358,385 bytes)

Instant Client Package - WRC Workload Replay Client used to replay workload for RAT's DB Replay Feature

(13,542 bytes)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for 'proc' binary and related files to precompile a Pro*C application and demo





Instant Client Package - Basic All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications

(49,416,845 bytes)

Instant Client Package - Basic Light Smaller version of the Basic, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support (10.2 only)

(20,050,763 bytes)

Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement Additional support for XA, Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC

(1,563,961 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus Additional libraries and executable for running SQL*Plus with Instant Client

(828,923 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SDK Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(897,394 bytes)

Instant Client Package - ODBC Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(1,322,266 bytes)

Instant Client Package - WRC Workload Replay Client used to replay workload for RAT's DB Replay Feature

(5,076 bytes)

Precompiler PackagePrecompiler Downloads Additional files for 'proc' binary and related files to precompile a Pro*C application and demo


Configure Oracle Odbc Driver Windows 10


Odbc Oracle Driver Windows 10 Code 10




Instant Client Package - Basic All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications

(36,255,100 bytes)

Instant Client Package - Basic Light Smaller version of the Basic, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support (10.2 only)

(12,218,457 bytes)

Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement Additional support for XA, Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC

(1,475,200 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus Additional libraries and executable for running SQL*Plus with Instant Client

(764,303 bytes)

Instant Client Package - SDK Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

(802,412 bytes)

Instant Client Package - ODBC Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications

(1,324,040 bytes)